We the Buckhunters have reached The Great Falls. We have two rivers to go through and they both have their challenges. The north one is very deep and the south one is very rapid.
     Our future depends on what river we take. Our decision is to take the north river because the south river might take us to far down stream. Our choice might be the wisest. 
     We have ran into rain and we are starting to become weary and angry. As we push on, we come a bank that is slippery. Windsor slipped off and we don't know what to do. My opinion is that we should throw the rope down to Windsor.
     The drop is over 90 feet down and he is caught on a branch. We decide to throw a rope down and use all of our man power to pull him up. Lewis and Clark decided to have him cut a hole in the side of the hill to put his foot in. 
     Our choice that we chose was the best route because of the flow of the water and it was the safest. Lewis and Clark chose the more rapid stream to the south and the had problems later on down the stream. 

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