We the BuckHunters needed to decide whether we were going to conquer the Sioux and Arikaras Indians. Ally and I said " We should Not conquer them!" Kyle, Emilio, and Captain Cody said "Yes, Lets go fight!"
     To me, the decision that our corps of discovery made was the incorrect decision. I don't think it was the right decision because there is a possibility that we could loose everything that is important and that we need to complete this journey.
     The Mandan tribe decided not to attack the Sioux and Arikara Indians. When they made that decision some of the men were furious and because they wanted to seek revenge on them for killing the men that belong to us.
     Lewis and Clark decided not go attack them either because they had respect for the Mandans and wanted to be able to stay with them for the rest of the cold winter that lay ahead of them.
     Lewis, Clark, and the Mandan Indians decided not to go and fight the Sioux and the Arikara Indians along their hard journey. When we made the decision of whether to go or not Ally and I were correct.

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