We the BuckHunters first decided to bring Charbonneau and his wife along. We thought that they would be a great addition to the corps. Without them, we would not be able to understand what the Indians would be saying. Even if the translating was bad, it would be better than nothing.

   Mackenzie agreed that they would be of great value to the BuckHunters. "I say we bring them along." I stated, confident with my decision. "It would be a great pleasure bringing them with us, they will be well placed in our expedition." We knew Sacagawea was pregnant and it would be an issue, but her help would be extraordinary.

   Lewis and Clark did take both of them along to help out in the end. They were a great contribution to the exploration, as well as a big help with the Indians. 

   Though we had a little trouble deciding if they should come along, Lewis and Clark decided easily, though both of the groups chose to take Charbonneau and his wife along.

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